Projects & Partners

Current projects

Luft, Umwelt, Wolken, Himmel, Wind

Ventilation and ventilation behavior

Inventory of air conditioning systems and ventilation measures in buildings. Contract research by the Federal Environment Agency (UBA)

To the project


Reduction of the aerosol particle load through air conditioning systems under the boundary condition "energy efficiency"

To the project


Mid-level program

Performance-oriented funding of academic mid-level positions for research groups at universities of applied sciences in Baden-Württemberg (Prof. Niessner, January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2025), MWK Baden-Württemberg

To the project
Myzelfäden eines Pilzes

Biointelligent Materials via 4D-Printing (BIMAP)

Realization of biointelligent systems that enable customization at the hardware level. For this purpose, biological components should be integrated. The biological component forms mycelium, thread-like cells of a fungus. Mycelium is inserted into a 3D printed ceramic framework.

To the project (German only)

Completed projects



High-tech aerosol mist separator in zero design

To the project (German only)

Project partner

Associated partner, builds filter prototypes according to the HHN optimization results and carries out practical tests


Test aerosols

Test aerosols and methods for testing the effectiveness of air purification technologies against Sars-CoV-2

To the project

Project partners


RaLuFi - Air purifiers

Study on the effectiveness of air purifiers

To the project (German only)

Supported by

Linienbus und Auto im Stadtverkehr


Reduction of aerosol particle pollution in buses and trams on existing vehicles and vehicles of the future based on flow simulations, sensor networks and AI methods

To the project
Bild einer Simulation von Strömungsverhalten im Ölfilter


Increasing the efficiency of oil-separating gas filters through the experimental and simulative development of a new type of filter medium made from bicomponent fibers

To the project

Project partners

Design of oleophilic-oleophobic bicomponent fibers

Simulation and design of the spinning process

Software manufacturer: software tool for simulating the deposition process

Filter material manufacturer: Manufacture of the filter material from bicomponent fibers

Manufacture of the complete filter from the new filter materials

Bifi Workflow


Bionic filters - simulation-based design of additively manufactured porous structures

To the project

Project partners

Plasma coating of topology-optimized and additively manufactured filter structures

Planned transfer partner

Planned transfer partner



Bio-aerosol protection through ready-to-use and optimized protective masks for high and low risk patients

To the project

Project partners


  • Translational Lung Research Center Heidelberg / Thoraxklink Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg
  • Airway Research Center North / Pneumologisches Forschungsinstitut an der LungenClinik Großhansdorf GmbH
  • Airway Research Center North / 1. Medizinische Klinik, Universitätsklinik Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Kiel

Produces masks according to the specifications of the research team.

Technical Advisory Board

The ISAPS Technical Advisory Board had its inaugural assembly on June 2nd, 2021. The mission of the Technical Advisory Board is to advise ISAPS in its strategic direction.

Company / institution

Member of the Technical Advisory Board

CeramTec GmbH

Dr. Henrich Mannel

Filtration Group Industrial

Steffen Gorzawski (chairman)

Dr. Jörg Weise

Junker-Filter GmbH
Jürgen Junker

Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU)

Dr. Jörg Lefèvre

Nanoscribe GmbH
Dr. Jochen Zimmer

THINKTANK Industrielle Ressourcenstrategien

Dr. Christian Kühne

Fraunhofer Institut für Grenzflächen- und Bioverfahrenstechnik (IGB)

Dr. Jakob Barz