Am oberen Bildrand sind bunte Farbkleckse, die ins Innere des Bildes ragen. Unten sind Gebäude der 4 Standorte der Hochschule Heilbronn nebeneinander abgebildet.

"You Belong Here" – Diversity Day 2024

Our Slogan

We have all felt "wrong" at some point in our lives: in a place, in a group or on a topic. Based on this experience, we want to make it clear: when people enter our university, they are welcome.
With all their individuality and with all their abilities, regardless of origin, sexuality, disability, age, body shape or ethnicity.

Das Bild zeigt eine gehisste Regenbogenflagge. Im Hintergrund ein Gebäzude des Campus Sontheim.

Our Programme

May 28, 2024 - Presentation of the results of the diversity survey

The Department for Equality and Diversity is publishing the results of the university-wide diversity survey, which was conducted at HHN in January 2024, for the first time. The results provide insights into the composition of the members of our university and their perception of diversity-related aspects of the learning and working environment.

June 03-06, 2024 - Diversity Action Week at HHN, focus on the 2024 European elections

The first day of action took place on June 3 at the Künzelsau campus, followed by two more at the Bildungscampus and the Sontheim campus on June 4 and 6. Our various hands-on stations invited people to talk and exchange ideas: a hidden object picture on conspiracy myths, a world map to immortalize your own heartland or painting posters for the upcoming Heilbronn CSD. This year, the focus was on the European elections: With excerpts from the Wahl- & Sozial-O-Mat and extensive information material, the achievements of the EU in the areas of science, education and diversity were highlighted in order to motivate students to participate in the elections.

As part of the campaign days, the poster exhibition "Female Scientists at HHN" was also opened in the N building of the Bildungscampus and the gender equality officer, in cooperation with the equal opportunities officer, invited to a cinema evening.

  • 11:00–14:00 "Diversity Campus" with a variety of hands-on activities, including a "Gaming" booth, "Home of the Heart" map, diversity calendar, art activity, Diversity ABC, quiz and much more.
  • All-day theme table "Diversity-sensitive literature" in the foyer area of the library

  • All-day Poster exhibition “Women in Science”.  Originally implemented as a digital interview series, the poster exhibition in the N-Bau can be viewed throughout the week. Different scientists at the university are presented as well as their individual career paths and research areas. We present approachable role models and provide insight into scientific careers.

  • 11:00–14:00 "Diversity Campus" with a variety of hands-on activities, including a "Gaming" booth, "Home of the Heart" map, diversity calendar, art activity, Diversity ABC, quiz and much more.

From 5:30 p.m. in the evening the gender equality officer Prof. Dr. Saskia-Nicole Reinfuss, in cooperation with the equal opportunities officer Anke Speer, invits to a cinema evening. Female HHN employees and all other interested parties are cordially invited to watch the Italian film “Tomorrow is Another Day” together at the Kinostar Arthaus Heilbronn and a further discussion.

Meeting point is at 5:30 p.m., the film starts at 5:45 p.m.
Registrations are now possible via

  • 11:00–14:00 "Diversity Campus" with a variety of hands-on activities, including a "Gaming" booth, "Home of the Heart" map, diversity calendar, art activity, Diversity ABC, quiz and much more. 
Mittig ist ein großes Geschenk mit einer großen Schleife oben drauf. Links ist eine Grafik einer Schwarzen Person mit zusammengebundenen Locs, die die Hände nach oben hält. Die Person trägt ein T-Shirt, eine Hose und flache Schuhe. Darüber ist Konfetti abgebildet. Rechts vom Geschenk ist eine Person mit hellbrauner Haut, die wellige dunkelbraune Haare hat und über die Schultern gehen. Die Person trägt ein kurzes Kleid, hohe Schuhe und hält in der linken Hand ein Mikrofon und in der rechten Hand ein Ticket. Zwischen den Personen ist eine zylinderförmige transparente Tombola-Behälter. Darin sind mehrere weiße Tickets. Im Hintergrund ist ein heller Kreis auf weißem Hintergrund. Unten rechts entlange des Kreises steht "Diversity wins!".

Everyone who took part in our hands-on activities had the chance to win great prizes.

The competition has already ended
The winners have been notified by email.

use your vote
Blauer Pinselstrich von EU-Sternen umringt. Darin steht "Europawahl 9. Juni 2024".
Logo BW

“With financial support from the Baden-Württemberg State Ministry, financed from state funds decided by the Baden-Württemberg state parliament.”

Links oben ist das Logo deer Charta der Vielfalt. Rechts davon steht "Charta der Vielfalt". Rechts darunter steht in einem blauen Rahmen "unterzeichnet".

The Diversity Day 23 at the HHN takes place within the nationwide German Diversity Day 2023, which is organised for the 11th time by the Charta der Vielfalt initiative.

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