X-Culture - Connecting Cultures

Participating countries:

78 countries

Participating universities:

approx. 150 universities

Project description:

X-Culture is an international cooperation project in which students work in global virtual teams for two months to create a business plan. The X-Culture project was launched in 2010 by the Bryan Business School at the University of North Carolina. By now, 150 universities from 78 countries with approximately 6000 students participate each semester.

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In the X-Culture project, which is part of the course "The Global Marketplace" (Prof. Dr. Simona Gentile-Lüdecke, Faculty TW, Master's programme International Marketing and Communication), students are divided into global virtual teams with 4/5 students from other countries.

Different communication styles and different time zones are only the superficial hurdles to overcome. In a global virtual team, students develop solutions to real business challenges faced by their corporate partners around the world under the supervision of their instructors.


2 months
