
WoMent is an individual career support programme for female students and female Ph.D. students of the Heilbronn University. In a tandem partnership with a professionally experienced mentor the mentee is being supported in her professional and personal development. The benefits of WoMent include getting to know the inside of a company, finding out about the every-day life of an executive, and learning about the unwritten rules of leadership.

During the one year long partnership the mentees are also participating in an attractive workshop programme.

WoMent is a cooperation project between Wissensstadt Heilbronn e.V., Heilbronn University and DHBW Heilbronn and is funded by the Dieter Schwarz Foundation.

You are interested in our mentoring programme WoMent? The next application period is April 11-24, 2022

Please register on our mentoring platform in German or send us a quick email to woment@wissensstadt.hn

Bild von Mentee und Mentorin im Beratungsgespräch

WoMent: short facts

Mentoring partnership

  • Mentors from companies
  • 4-5 tandem meetings per year
  • Personal and independent

Further education

  • full online workshop programme about setting goals, communication, negotiation, leadership and design thinking
  • individual career advice


  • Kick off, meet up and final event
  • LinkedIn group and WoMent alumni
  • Lifelong contacts

Informations for Mentees

You're interested in participating in WoMent?


Do you have an questions? You're interested in participating WoMent as mentor?

Do not forget: the Career Service

The Career Service of the Heilbronn University offers help and information about starting a career after studying. For example you can find wide range of jobs, work placements, trainee positions and final thesis on our Job Portal. For personal advice you can get consultancy be the professsional career advisors from the Agentur für Arbeit. In the webinar and workshop programme you can qualify yourself for the application process.

Workshops: further informations

Bild von Logoreihe und Fördersatz