Im Hintergrund eine Hotelrezeption und im Vordergrund eine junge Frau mit einem Koffer

The hotel and restaurant industry is an incredibly varied field of activity that challenges and entertains at the same time. With the Hotel and Restaurant Management degree program, we offer the perfect mix of study and practical relevance. In addition, further development with and without vocational training in one of the most emotional and fastest-growing industries: Hotel and Restaurant Management.

Apply now!
Timo Patte, Alumnus 2016, Junior Consultant
Mit dem Studium bekam ich ein fundiertes betriebswirtschaftliches Wissen über den Hotelbetrieb und dessen Umfeld. Nun kann ich unseren Klienten maßgeschneiderte Lösungen in der Beratung anbieten und sie bei erfolgreicher Positionierung auf dem Hotelmarkt unterstützen.
Timo Patte, Alumnus 2016, Junior Consultant

Fact sheet

Degree: Bachelor of Arts
7 Semester: 210 ECTS
Language: German / English
Location: Heilbronn Bildungscampus
Study form: Full-time
Start: Winter semester
Deadline: July 15

Study content

Hotel and Restaurant Management at Heilbronn University is first and foremost a business degree program, which means that a large part of the courses and modules deal with economic content. Building on this, the subject-specific knowledge is added during the course of study, i.e. modules in the area of hotel management and restaurant management.

During the course of study, there is a varied mix of attendance phases, self-study periods and practical experience in the form of specialist excursions or guest lectures in companies in the hospitality industry.

The program is divided into a two-semester basic study period and a five-semester main study period. The latter includes an optional semester abroad as well as an internship semester, whereby the internship semester can also be completed abroad. During this time, students work for 26 weeks in a company in the hotel or catering industry and, among other things, get to know the daily business routine.

Students choose one foreign language from the five business foreign languages English, French, Spanish, Russian and Arabic. Alternatively, business specializations such as International Financial & Marketing Accounting, International Finance, International Human Resource Management, International Marketing or the Studium Generale can be chosen. Finally, in the last semester of the program, students write their Bachelor's thesis.

Career perspectives

In the hotel and catering scene, academics are still relatively rare - but very welcome, especially at the management level and in executive positions. So the chances are good that you will find a suitable job directly after your studies. But here, too, it will be difficult without practical experience, so try to complete as many suitable internships or part-time jobs as possible.

In the hospitality industry, strategic and operational management positions are what you will be looking for after graduation. These include:

  • Corporate Development
  • revenue management
  • Sales and personnel
  • F&B and MICE

In gastronomy, on the other hand, you can expect

  • Concept development
  • Restaurant management
  • Expansion
  • Marketing
  • Operations in a system headquarters

as well as self-employment, e.g. as a franchisee in the hotel and catering industry. Positions at the interfaces to the hospitality industry are also possible career prospects, e.g. as a management consultant or sales manager with suppliers.

Course of studies

First Semester
  • Introduction ABWL
  • Accounting and Financing
  • Foundations of tourism and hospitality management
  • Introduction to economics
  • Scientific basics and statistics
  • Linguistic-business elective²
Second Semester
  • Accounting and Financing
  • Introduction Law
  • Scientific basics and statistics
  • Hotel and restaurant management in the digital economy
  • Linguistic-business elective²
Third Semester
  • Strategic Management and Controlling
  • Research Methods
  • Economics
  • Law in Tourism and Hospitality
  • Hospitality Supply Chain Management
  • Hospitality Leadership & Controlling
  • Linguistic-business elective²
Fourth Semester
  • Optional semester abroad
  • Sustainability and ethics in the hospitality industry
  • International Specializations
  • Restaurant Management & System Catering
5. Semester
  • Internship
  • Internship Colloquium
Sixth Semester
  • Commercial and Business Law
  • E-Business in Hospitality
  • Project Hospitality
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Case studies of the digital economy
  • Focus on Hospitality
Seventh Semester
  • Business Simulation
  • Seminar Tourism
  • Bachelor Thesis
  • Hospitality Revenue Management, Sales & Marketing
  • Hospitality Development & Real Estate
  • B2B sales, (system)gastronomy, food management
  • MICE industry and event management
Foreign Languages
  • Arabic
  • Russian
  • French
  • Spanish
  • English + Business Administration
Business Administration
  • International Financial & Management Accounting
  • International Finance
  • International Human Resource Management
  • International Management
  • International Marketing

Look into the study

Die Preisverleihung des HHN Wissenschaftspreises 2022.

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Erstmals wurden in diesem Jahr 3 Wissenschaftspreise an der Hochschule Heilbronn (HHN) vergeben. Als größte Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften in Baden-Württemberg leistet die HHN einen zentralen Beitrag zur Verbindung von Forschung, Lehre und Praxis in der Wirtschaftsregion Heilbronn-Franken.
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