
Everything about examinations

According to the Study and Examination Regulations, you can only take examinations for which you are registered. Registrations are only possible at the times prescribed by the university (see Timetable).

You can register for the desired examinations online in eCampus.

If you forget to register within the registration period, or fail to do so for other reasons, you have an opportunity to register retrospectively for those examinations on payment of a fee.

The fee is € 10.00 for each examination (subject to a maximum of € 40.00 for each registration period) and regardless of the number of retrospective registrations.

Examination deregistration are possible from the date stipulated by the university in the semester timetable (see Timetable).

It is possible to deregister from an examination with a written examination up to four days before the examination at the latest (undergraduate degree programs).
For the degree course in medical informatics, it is possible to deregister up to three days before the examination date.
For the HILL/Continuing Education degree programs, deregistration is possible up to one day before the examination date.

For exam types without a date during the exam period, there is a fixed deregistration date (= day before the official start of the exam period).

Before lodging an objection with the Vice-Rector for Studies, Teaching and Quality Assurance, we recommend a consultation with the Chair of the Examination Board. Appointments with the Vice-Rector can only be granted if a written (not email) justification has been received in advance.

Every examination can be taken a third time after failing it twice without making a hardship application. However, after two third attempts, further third attempts are only permissible after a counselling interview with the faculty. A certificate of the meeting will be issued.

Bachelor’s and master’s theses, however, can only be repeated once.

If on the day of the examination, you are prevented from sitting the examination for compelling reasons, you must immediately submit a withdrawal to the Central Examinations Office with this form and the corresponding evidence (e.g. medical certificate).

Compensability of examination performances

Providing nothing to the contrary is regulated in the Special Part of the Study and Examination Regulations, in principle all individual performances within a subject mark (module mark) are mutually compensable. Should you wish to make use of examination compensation, you must apply to the Central Examinations Office with the following form, stating you matriculation number and examination number.

Compensation is only possible if the subject grade is passed with at least ‘sufficient’ (4.0).

Recognition of courses and examinations

The recognition of courses and examinations (e.g. foreign study, pre-studies) is the responsibility of the individual examination boards. After subject-specific assessment and consultation, the examination board makes a decision either for recognition or rejection. The examination board will notify the Central Examinations Office of recognised achievements with a precise description of the examination (preliminary) achievement concerned, the grade to be taken into account, if applicable, and the grade achieved. The Central Examinations Office carries out the processing.

Conversation table

The conversion table applies to all students who have completed their Learning Agreement (LA)/Proof of Recognition (PoR) as from the winter semester 2018/19 (outgoing foreign study students from the winter semester 2019/20).

Crediting of knowledge and skills acquired outside of a higher education institution

Knowledge and skills acquired outside higher education may be credited with up to half of the ECTS credits allocated for the degree programme, provided that they are equivalent in terms of content and level to the coursework they are intended to replace within the meaning of subsection (2), Sentences 2 and 3. As a rule, (Section 32 (4) Sentence 3 LHG) only knowledge and skills that have been substantiated by an examination before an educational institution within the meaning of Section 31 LHG or a body responsible for vocational education and training within the meaning of the Vocational Education and Training Act are eligible. Sentence 3 also applies to occupational qualifications acquired abroad and professional and professional diplomas in accordance with the Regulations transposing Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005, as amended. The practical study semester can be credited provided that the requirements of Section 4 (2) are met and the academic coursework of the foundation studies have been completed.

This regulation of the Study and Examination Regulations of the Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences (Section 15 SPO Bachelor’s degree programmes, Section 14 SPO Master’s degree programmes) is particularised by the regulations made by the Joint Commission of the Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences on 10.12.2010.

Complaints procedure in the event of non-recognition of (foreign) examinations

If your application for recognition of examination achievements was rejected by the responsible examination board, you have the following complaints procedure:

  1. Objections to the rejection notice from the examination board can be raised within one month of notification. The objection must be submitted in writing or for the record to Heilbronn University, Rectorate, Max-Planck-Str.39, 74081 Heilbronn.

    Required documents: written objection, justification, decision of the examination board

    You will receive written notification of your objection from the Rectorate.

  2. A complaint can be lodged against the decision of the Rectorate (Prorector for SuL, § 8 II S. 3 LHG) at the Stuttgart Administrative Court, Augustenstraße 5, 70178 Stuttgart within one month after delivery or for the record of the clerk of the office. The complaint must identify the plaintiff, the defendant and the subject matter of the complaint. It should contain a specific request. The facts and evidence serving as justification should be specified. Enough copies should be attached to the lawsuit and attachments so that all parties involved can receive a copy.

Für den Nachweis der Studienleistungen nach § 48 Abs. 1 BAföG erhalten Sie im Prüfungsamt einen Notenspiegel, aus dem die Gesamtzahl der erreichten ECTS hervorgeht und der mit einer Unterschrift und Stempel der Hochschule versehen ist. Diesen ECTS-Nachweis können Sie direkt im Studierendenwerk Heidelberg einreichen. Das Formblatt 5 muss dann nicht zusätzlich beim Studierendenwerk eingereicht werden, der Notenspiegel ist ausreichend. Dort werden übliche Leistungen bestätigt, wenn mindestens 75% der ECTS-Punkte erfolgreich abgeleistet sind, welche nach SPO zum jeweiligen Zeitpunkt vorgesehen sind. Wie die Verteilung im Einzelnen ist, können Sie bei Ihrem zuständigen Prüfungsausschuss erfragen. 

Important documents

The current general parts of the Study and Examinations Regulations can be found here:

Regulation of the Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences for determining the relative mark in accordance with the ECTS grading scale.

More informations

Tasks of the Central Examinations Office

The main task of the Central Examinations Office is to advise the review boards of the subject areas and degree courses in their tasks as well as providing organisational and professional support.

Within the scope of this generally defined function, the Central Examinations Office performs a wide variety of tasks:

  • Advising the review boards and the Rector’s Office in the application and interpretation of the Study and Examination Regulations
  • Providing advice to students in matters concerning examinations and questions about the Study and Examination Regulations
  • Creating the examination regulations decided by the Senate
  • Organising and implementing the examination registration and deregistration processes
  • Administering and processing examination marks and the assessment of examination requirements
  • Publication of examination results
  • Controlling deadlines and implementing the hardship decisions made by the examination boards in the hardship procedure
  • Receiving Bachelor’s and Master’s theses
  • Processing and production of transcripts of marks and degree certificates
  • Exmatriculation process
  • Participation in/providing support to the Rector’s Office in the coordination of the uniform application of the Study and Examination Regulations throughout the university.
  • Participation in quality assurance measures in relation to examinations, graduate surveys and external rankings.