Co-learning labs

Participating countries:

Event participants from up to 30 different countries

Participating universities:

Unterschiedlich darunter beispielsweise: Queen's University Belfast, Florida State University, University of Maiduguri, University College Dublin, University of Malta, National University of the Arts Buenos Aires, Goldsmiths, University of London, University of the Arts Belgrade, University of the Witswatersrand Cape Town, University of South Australia

Project description:

Co-learning labs are laboratories of around an hour hosted by one of our Brokering Intercultural Exchange (BIE) Network members. Hosts decide on a topic (current research/practical experience or project) and provide a ten-minutes input, which will be followed by an open, informal learning session.

These labs - which we started in March 2021 - and that take place on the last Thursday of every month allow for in-depth discussions and mutual learning on topics that BIE Networkers (mainly researchers and Ph.D. students but also practitioners and policy makers) in different parts of the world care about, but might otherwise not have a chance to discuss in more detail.

More information about the co-learning labs and how to register can be found on


Ongoing once a month
