Per-Capita Costs of Diabetes 

Whitepaper: Per-Capita Costs of Diabetes mellitus in Germany 2015 & 2016 - Adapted for the PROSIT Disease Models


Health economic modeling is an essential part in today’s health economic evaluations. Since 2007, the PROSIT disease modelling community develops open source Markov models for late complications of Diabetes mellitus. This whitepaper exemplifies how cost data from a published German analysis on the per-capita costs of Diabetes mellitus (“CoDiM”) can be utilized to populate the PROSIT models. There are some limitations regarding specific cost categories, e.g., blood pressure monitoring or screening for retinopathy, which were not explicitly reported in the CoDiM-study. However, the outlined approach allows performing a literature-based cohort simulation which can be adapted and expanded with additional cost information based on further data sources.

Key words

Markov models – Cost data – Diabetes mellitus


AOK: Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse (statutory health insurance organisation in Germany)

ATC: Anatomical-Therapeutic-Chemical classification system

CoDiM: Costs of Diabetes mellitus Study

GP: General Practitioner

ICD: International Classification of Diseases

KV: Kassenärztliche Vereinigung (Association of Statutory Health Insurance-accredited Physicians)

SGB: Sozialgesetzbuch (German Social Security Code)

SHI: Statutory Health Insurance

Latest Release

We updated the Whitepaper in July 2018 and costs are updated for the year 2016.

Follow this link to the old release of the Whitepaper (as of May 2017).