Professional Experience

  • Head of Innovation Development AutoMobile at Deutsche Telekom AG Laboratories in Berlin, Germany (2005 - 2010)
  • Head of Corporate Strategy and Senior Quality Manager at T-Punkt Vertriebs GmbH in Troisdorf, Germany (2004 - 2005)
  • Head of Segment Management at T-Mobile International in Bonn, Germany (2003 - 2004)
  • Chief Strategist and Director of the Strategy Department at PTC in Warsaw, Poland (Joint Venture of Deutsche Telekom) (2000 - 2003)
  • Senior Consultant at DETECON in Bonn, Germany (today integral part of T-Systems) (1999 - 2000)
  • Leader Marketing Support in the department for International Business Development at DeTeMobil GmbH (today T-Mobile Germany) in Bonn, Germany (1997 - 1999)
  • Head of Product Management at max.mobil. Telekommunikation Service GmbH in Vienna, Austria (today T-Mobile Austria) (1996 - 1997)
  • Key Account Manager for new & alternative sales channels at T-Mobil in Bonn, Germany (1995 - 1996)
  • Sales Controller at DeTeMobil GmbH (today T-Mobile Germany) in Bonn, Germany (1994 - 1995)
  • Project Partner at Kienbaum und Partner Unternehmensberatung in Düsseldorf, Germany (1991 - 1992)


  • Professor for International Strategic Management at the Heilbronn University (since 2010)
  • Lecturer for Change Management at the Heilbronn University (2009)
  • Lecturer for Marketing Management and International Marketing at the FHTW in Berlin (2006 - 2009)
  • Participant in the Ph.D.-Program at the University of Klagenfurt, subject of the dissertation: Strategic Profit Management and Accounting (1989 - 1994)
  • Student research assistent at the chair of Controlling at the University of Cologne (1989 - 1990)
  • Student research assistent at the chair of Business to Business Marketing at the Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster (1989)
  • Participant in the „Program of International Management“ at HEC in Paris, France, scholarship of DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), majoring in Marketing and Strategy (1987)
  • Study of Business and Administration at the University of Cologne, Germany, majoring in Controlling, Management Science and Marketing graduated with the „Diplom“ (1985 -1989)
  • Study of Economics at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-University of Bonn, graduated with the „Vordiplom“ (1983 - 1985)