Informieren Sie sich am 15.10.24 beim Info-Event KarriereBoost LIVE über die berufsbegleitenden Bachelor- und MBA-Studiengänge der Hochschule Heilbronn.
The Akademie Würth Business School offers the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program in cooperation with Heilbronn University and the University of Louisville (UofL). All students are enrolled at the University of Louisville and they will receive the MBA certificate of the same. The MBA program can be completed part-time in 13.5 months parallel to the participants‘ job. The weekend module of the Global MBA takes place at Heilbronn University.
Receive detailed information about the part-time MBA program Global Business on the website of our partner the Akademie Würth Business School.
Get more Information about the MBA study programme at our Info Event "KarriereBoost LIVE" on October 15th!